33e congrès des RCRF Leiden (Pays-Bas), 15-22 september 2024

Dear Fautores,

With the start of 2024, we are delighted to invite you to the 33rd Fautores Congress which will take place in Leiden, the Netherlands, from 15 until 22 September 2024. The topic of the congress will be (Cultural) Contacts & Ceramic Contexts.

For more information we kindly refer you to the congress’ website which can be accessed via https://www.rcrfleiden2024.nl/. Attached to this message you can find the Call for Papers/First Circular and the Registration Form. You can register either via the website or by filling in and returning the WORD registration form to rcrfleiden2024@gmail.com. The registration deadline for speakers/presenters is 31 March 2024, and 30 June 2024 if you wish to participate without a poster or presentation.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with queries, etc.!
Wishing you all the best for the new year, with our warmest regards,
Philip Bes
Roderick Geerts
Organising Committee of the 33rd Fautores Congress